Blue Eye Samurai One Of The Best Anime Show: Review

blue eye samurai

Netflix’s animation offerings are known for their varying degrees of success. From Arcane season 2 to Saint Seiya we got it all. The latest show, “Blue Eye Samurai,” has captured the admiration of the anime community and fans due to its exceptional storytelling. This tale unfolds in Edo-era Japan, showcasing Mizu, the blue-eyed samurai, embarking on a journey for vengeance and capturing the attention and admiration of fans.

This show totally rocks in the animation scene. It’s got an awesome story. It looks gorgeous, and the characters are deep and go through some cool changes. It’s basically at the top of the game!

Blue Eye Samurai Review

This is back in old Japan, where they closed off the borders, and if you’re from outside or born to outsiders, people think you’re not really human, like some kind of “monster” or “impure.” Mizu’s got blue eyes that give away she’s the kid of a “white devil.” At that time, there are only four white guys in Japan, and she’s out to take them all down. When she was a kid, local kids used to bother her because of her eyes. The only person who helps her is a blind sword maker. He thinks she’s a boy, or maybe he’s just pretending, and he takes her in to teach her swordsmanship.

She transforms into the strong warrior Mizu, and we first meet her in a tense face-off with a shady guy dealing in flesh and guns. Mizu crashes his operation of selling women and chops off his trigger fingers. Her opponent barges on her, even though she clearly has the upper hand – and most of his fingers.

Amber Noizumi and Michael Green, the creators, have crafted an exciting world that gives off some serious Game of Thrones vibes. Almost everyone sees Mizu as a guy, and it seems like that’s how she wants it, delivered with a cool, deep tone by Erskine. At the same time, we’re also following Princess Akemi’s story. Her powerful dad is trying to marry her off to other powerful dudes. Both women are pushing against the rules of their world, trying to break free from the patriarchal society. But they’re taking different paths, often conflicting, in their quest for what could be seen as freedom.

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Edo Period

Edo period

The series unfolds in post-Sengoku Edo-Japan, a time when Japan had this strict isolation thing going on. They didn’t let people in or out. Even though most of us have never lived in that era and never will, this show does an awesome job yanking us out of our 21st-century bubble and dropping us into the Tokugawa empire.

It really nails what Japanese society was like back then—their biases, the whole male-dominated scene, and how honor was a big deal. The way they throw down challenges for duels in the name of honor, how Mizu has to keep her identity on the down-low, and her strong dislike for her own kind—it all helps us feel what it might’ve been like to live in those times.

Fight Sequences

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One of the things that make Blue Eye Samurai such a joy to watch is its frequent and awesome fight scenes. Mizu, our legendary samurai, seems to have superhuman powers. She can take on entire armies alone, effortlessly slicing through trained guards and hired tough guys like a hot knife through butter. You can tell when the big battles are coming, and they’re seriously entertaining. Can she really defeat four giant guys known for being ruthless on a narrow cliff edge while she’s injured? It keeps you on the edge of your seat. But, there’s also these unexpected and violent surprises. A seemingly calm chat takes a wild turn when, out of nowhere, someone loses an arm. Naturally, this messes up negotiations a bit and takes the story into even bloodier territory.

Like I mentioned earlier, the fight scenes in Blue Eye Samurai are a brilliant example of how they’re not just time-fillers. The way these scenes are choreographed and timed is so expert that even if you’re not a fan of bloody stuff, you’ll still be excited for them. It’s pretty intense with a lot of blood and gore. They yank out teeth and use them like bullets. Limbs get chopped off a lot, and blood goes flying everywhere.


blue eye samurai characters

Mizu is dead serious about getting revenge, and she keeps that serious vibe going. But there’s a bunch of interesting characters in blue eye samurai that bring some light and shade. Her apprentice Ringo, who’s totally sure he’s destined for something big, adds warmth and humour. Same goes for the flashy Taigen, another samurai friend since they were kids. Mizu owes Taigen a battle to the death, but you can tell their fights are more than just rivalry—they’re rooted in mutual respect.

On the flip side, Branagh’s bad guy, Fowler, is a real piece of work. He’s a white dude importing weapons and opium, squeezing money out of brothel owners. He’s a total monster, with these big, bad speeches that shout out just how evil he is. Seems like he’s unbeatable, holed up in a castle on a lonely island.

Blue Eye Samurai Cast

blue eye samurai

Even if you’re not usually into animated stuff, the cast of Blue Eye Samurai is pretty good. Kenneth Branagh, George Takei, Randall Park, and Disney’s Brenda Song are in it, making it a star-studded show. Maya Erskine from Pen15 is the main character, Mizu, the blue-eyed samurai. She leads us through a tough adventure in 17th-century Japan, trying to get payback for her mom’s death.

It writes well, delivering intense and fearless animation that stands out from many that came before it. Blue Eye Samurai is definitely a must watch in 2023. Check out Blue Samurai on Netflix. What do you think of this show? Let us know. Click her for more anime news.

How many episodes will Blue Eye Samurai have?

8 episodes

Will there be season 2 of Blue Eye Samurai?

As of now, there is no official confirmation regarding the renewal of Blue Eye Samurai for a second season.

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