Netflix’s Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Review

Netflix’s Scott Pilgrim Takes Off was an unexpected arrival. Fans never knew that after years, they’d get the anime adaptation. In fact, it wouldn’t be right to call it an adaptation since the story is totally different from the comic books. 

The anime version of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is pretty close to the original source material. And it is different from the movie versions. Not gonna lie; this one has entertained the fans a lot, and it was a banger entry.

It intrigued fans so much that now they are waiting for Scott Pilgrim season 2. Well, that’s another story since the end of the anime season left the fans with questions. The anime came almost 20 years after its comic was released. So, yeah, it was no less than a surprise and a great visual treat for the fans.

Bryan Lee O’Malley never leaves a chance to entertain the fans, and this time as well, he didn’t disappoint. 

Overall Plot and Review Of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off  cover

Credit: IMDb

The eight-episode series on Netflix’s kept the fans intrigued throughout. It proved to be the most entertaining action-romance series.

Not a single moment left viewers feeling bored. The direction was phenomenal, and each camera angle demonstrated skills. Of course, we expected something great from the popular Japanese studio Science Saru, and it WAS! 

Talking about the entire story, then it revolves around Scott Pilgrims and his bumpy life. His life goes through a massive change when he finds the girl of his life. Unfortunately, after meeting Ramona Flowers, troubles knocked at his door.

The girl’s exes made sure that they wouldn’t live happily ever after. Thus, the seven exes started to go against our cute hero. It was a matter of time when one of her exes, Mathew, attacked him to death. Apparently, Mr. Pilgrim died, but thanks to the female lead’s dream, she knew that she was somewhere breathing! 

Throughout the anime, we can’t forget the evil exe’s evil motives and role. He was the one who introduced the League of Exes to our innocent hero, thus making his life chaotic. 

The anime season overall was a great story that was quite similar to the movie and the original story. Yet, it was different in its own special way! The humor was there, and the sinister villains made the plot even more spellbinding. 

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Overall Review Of Episodes

The first minute of the episode got me; it was a perfect opening. We find our Hero “alone” in his dream world, but just when he feels lonely, the gorgeous girl of his dreams skates to him. Who tells her to wake up, and there you go! He wakes up only to sleep again. 

In the first episode, we dive into the boy’s precious little life. Not gonna lie; watching our hero and his team sing and perform the song was entertaining. Kudos to the singers and the voice actors for giving us the right feels. 

The animation and the camera angles were perfect, and we loved how the animation director highlighted every single character. Not just the beloved characters; we loved that it focuses on the slightest details, like the nuts of the guitar.

Finally the most awaited moment comes when he goes to attempt Julie’s party. The dream girl comes face to face, and he tries to impress her, which adds humor.

Pacing & Aesthetics

The first episode was wholesome, and the 27-minute episode covered a lot. We loved how it was not rushed and had perfect pacing. In the first episode, a lot of things happened, the boy had a successful date with Ramona, and the villains were introduced soon after. The fact that Scott was already dating Chives came as a shock. 

The first episode introduced Romona’s past with seven exes, and it ended with Patel’s fight with Pilgrim. Unfortunately, the latter vanished, leaving dollars behind.  

The next episode focuses on Ramona and others and how they felt after the supposed death of Scott. Soon it was hinted that the boy might be alive, leading to Romona looking for clues to find him. A lot happens in between, keeping the viewers entertained. 

We learned about the sinister motives of the League of Exes and their heinous plans. The curiosity about Scott’s existence left the viewers with questions. And finally came the last episode, where everything ends well. Though the whole story was self-contained and perfectly executed, the end left the fans curious about the next season. 

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Overall, the pacing was fantastic, and each episode kept the fans intrigued enough to make them watching the whole season. We absolutely loved how it was animated differently from the typical and cliche anime. It gave us punk vibes at many points. Kudos to the voice actors for bringing out the right emotions through their incredible voices. 

The chemistry between the leads and their interaction with other characters was amazing. I am pretty sure fans of Scott Pilgrim must have enjoyed it through and through. The aesthetics were spot-on, making it a truly beautiful season!

About Cast

Those who have been following Scott Pilgrim must have already known this. The fact that the original cast of the film voiced the anime characters makes it even more interesting. Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead voiced Scott and Ramona, respectively.
Satya Bhabha voiced Mathew Patel.

Thanks to the entire cast for voicing the anime characters, which made us feel more connected. Fans of Scott Pilgrim vs the World felt more than entertained watching the anime. BenDavid Grabinski produced the anime season, and we can’t thank him more. The directors of the anime did justice to it. Those who have watched Edgar Wright’s direction in the film know that it was a tough job to meet the same expectations for anime.


Is Scott Pilgrim Takes Off for Kids?

No, Netflix clearly mentions the series is 18+.

Does Ramona really love Scott?

In the anime season, we clearly get to know her deep feelings for Scott.

Does Scott Pilgrim have a happy ending?

It’s safe to say that it was a satisfying end for each character.


We absolutely loved the anime version so much that we will be glad to watch season two if the creators agree. Thanks to the creators for introducing us to this masterpiece that made us feel different kinds of emotions. 

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