Wind Breaker Episode 5 Review

Guys, it’s Wind Breaker Episode 5! What a BANGER episode it was. It had to be record-breaking, and everyone’s favorite so far. The wait for a whole week to watch this episode was definitely worth it. I bet the anime’s fans would be feeling over the moon for a number of reasons. It was not just about the Lion’s Head; we also learned the abilities of our heroes in the fierce battles. So, without any further ado, let’s get straight into the depths of the episode!

Wind Breaker Episode 5 Review & Highlights

Wind Breaker Episode 5 Review

To be honest, the episode seemed so short, not because of its duration but because it was so engaging. I absolutely didn’t want the episode to end–thanks to the anime creators for entertaining us so well. 

The episode began with Choji Tomiyama and the team taking Bofurin to a special place to fight. The place turns out to be a theater that went out of business and is now famous as Ori, aka Cage. 

Read: Wind Breaker Episode 4 Review

Sugishita VS. Arima

Sugishita vs Arima

Well, I accepted the opponent’s team as a little bit strong because they boast a lot. All it took for Sugishita was a SINGLE PUNCH to show them their right place. After all, we all know one can’t disrespect Umemiya in front of him, right? Unfortunately, Arima didn’t realize that and made a mistake by calling Umemiya by his name without honorifics. The fight ended in an instant, and it was still so much fun.

Suo VS. Kanuma 

Suo vs Kanuma

Many of us wanted to learn more about Suo’s mysterious personality. He appears to be kind, chill, and easygoing, but trust me, HE IS NOT! Well, technically, he didn’t have an offensive approach, but it’s not like he needed it. He took care of Kanuma without even seriously hurting him. It was as if Kanuma was stumbling on his own, and what a shame for him that he couldn’t even scratch Suo. 


Before he stepped on the stage, Suo expressed his plans to keep up with Sakura. During the match, Sakura was also dying to make Suo seriously fight him because he was so fine. Before Suo could knock down Kanuma, Jo stopped him and requested him to leave the stage. Jo will take care of the opponent on his own, which we all know HOW!

Choji and Jo

Choji and Tagame Jo

Choji asked Jo how he was planning to take care of his opponent, Sakura. Umemiya noticed them and seemed a bit concerned. All I want from the Lion’s Head is to play fair and nothing else. I hope they don’t plan something to win the fight; after all, it would be a great embarrassment to lose a fight in their area. The surprising hits keep coming from Choji which makes his characters extremely mysterious and unpredictable. Instead of getting furious for his team’s loss he was impressed with Bofurin to the point that he wanted to have a one-on-one fight with the winners.  

Nirei and His Fear

Nirei (Wind Breaker Episode 5 review)

Not gonna lie; he is the only one who gets easily afraid, but his passion is what makes him special. There were a lot of moments that scared the hell out of him, but Sakura made him stay calm. I expected him to fight first, but knowing that only he, Sakura, and Umemiya were left sparks curiosity. I feel that in the upcoming episode, Nirei might get brutally injured, which will fuel Sakura’s anger and make his fight intriguing. However, nobody wants the coming episodes to be that predictable. So, let’s see what the next episodes have in store for us. 


Overall, the episode was FANTASTIC and worthy of a 9.5/10 score. The music, the pacing, the fighting style, the engagement, the thrill, and the tension were all worth appreciating. The action sequences were so DANG fine; kudos to the whole team behind the screen. Knowing that the anime is all about action, it didn’t disappoint, and it’s keeping its morale high. Let’s wait for a few more days to watch the biggest fights.

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Is a wind breaker worth reading?

If you enjoy delinquent-themed stories, then it’s worth reading.

Why is the Windbreaker webtoon so popular?

It’s popular for a lot of reason, but mainly for its plot, characters, and the lessons it teaches.

Source: Wind Breaker On Crunchyroll

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